Traveling with Peas & Peace

Jerusalem Israel at the Machane Yehuda Market


Israeli Vegan Sushi 🌱

Art on a plate at Green Roll in Tel Aviv and delicious


Cocooning Love makeup remover



Back in December 2018 I wrote an article introducing Cocooning Love, a Montreal based company and their deodorant.

I now wish to highlight their makeup remover as well, it is natural, refreshing, gentle and non dehydrating. Having extremely sensitive skin, these elements are essential ! The added bonus is that it is not tested on animals and is eco-friendly.

Need to share that I received my on-line order the day after ! (Free shipping if over $ 50.00).

Support small entrepreneurs and local businesses when possible


Cristina for Peas and Peace


My new (Vegan) Boots !


I recently bought the Morton Boot in black from Matt & Nat, a Montreal-based vegan brand that uses eco-friendly materials, such as recycled nylon, cork and rubber. As consumers, in purchasing from companies such as this one, we are able to own products composed of materials that have been recycled, rather than discarded, thus allowing us to contribute to preserving and not overexploiting our BEAUTIFUL planet.

Apart from being sustainable, etc., these boots are also both trendy and comfortable, so it’s a win win all around!


From my understanding, production takes place in China, however, as indicated on the Matt & Nat site, regular visits are made by the team, so as to ensure that they are consistently providing us with a quality product, and that the conditions the workers are in are up to par with their standards.

All is wonderful !!!


*Disclaimer: any product that I mention on my blog has been personally tested, is vegan, and has not been tested on animals.